
7 Sureshot tactics to make your events digitally secure

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in early 2020 had compelled companies across the world to organise all meetings, conferences, events, etc virtually. While the transition to remote working proved to be very convenient for most employees, the shift to virtual platforms introduced a host of security risks and vulnerabilities for the companies.

Despite of the security concerns, virtual events have become extremely popular and are expected be more common in the future. Serious strategies need to be devised and stringent actions need to be taken to ensure that the security of virtual events planning also keeps on growing in tandem with its popularity. Only then will we be able to reap the maximum benefits of events organised on virtual platforms.

Common Loopholes in the Security of Virtual Events

  • Insecure distribution of entry pass URLs or codes
  • Lack of multi-factor authentication process
  • Incompetent staff looking after an event’s security
  • Absence of adequate encryption technologies
  • Excessive integrations with third-party platforms

Simple Steps to Bolster the Security of Your Virtual Events

Follow these easy yet highly effective strategies to fend off critical security risks and deliver seamless event experiences to your attendees.

1. Create Unique Tickets or Entry Passes

One of the major issues with most of the virtual events today is the easy access of the event even to unauthorised attendees. This can not only hamper your efforts but also put the security of attendees and event information at risk. The event joining screen is the first checkpoint where organisers can eliminate this risk. By creating unique links or QR codes for every registered attendee, event planners can ensure that only authorised guests are able to enter and be a part of the virtual event.

2. Regularly Monitor and Minimise Your Integrations

When organising events, it is quite common to integrate your event platform with other event planning tools. It is no doubt that these integrations can be extremely beneficial in making your event more engaging and impressive. But to do so, you have to grant access of your event platform as well as event information to various third-party tools or platforms. As this poses a threat to your event’s security, it is recommended to limit the number of integrations as much as possible and always be aware of what information is being accessed by the third-party platforms.

3. Rely on Virtual Private Network

The shift of meetings, conferences, and various other corporate activities to virtual platforms has made many businesses vulnerable to cyberattacks. Conducting critical business discussions and sharing important documents over digital platforms without proper security measures can be disastrous for your business. Using a virtual private network (VPN) can be useful in safeguarding your devices and information against dangerous cyber-attacks. Your work may require the transfer of data over web apps. Using VPN can act as an additional layer of security between the source and destination during such transactions. It is the best way to always keep your IP address, location, passwords, and all other data safe and protected.

4. Two-factor Authentication Process

A strong password is an essential aspect of keeping your critical event data safe. However, in today’s digital age, strong passwords alone are a weak line of defence against extremely sophisticated cyber-attacks or password cracking attempts. Adding a more reliable layer of security has become imperative to eliminate potential security threats. For virtual event planning, 2FA could be used to secure access to event management software or other systems that contain sensitive event information.

5. Partner with a Data Security Service Provider

Everyone wishes to plan and organise stunning, immersive events that engage and entertain the attendees. However, ensuring the security of events is equally important. Unfortunately, security is an element that most event planners or organisers do not have expertise in. Partnering with a data security service provider can be a good way to ensure the safety and security of sensitive event information during the event planning process. Having seasoned professionals who are responsible for your event’s security can ensure that the best practices are always adopted and you are able to focus on your core task of planning the event.

6. Ensure End-to-end Encryption of Sensitive Data

When you are sending information over digital platforms, your data is always at risk. There are many ways in which malicious users can get access to documents being sent over the internet. Encrypting data is the best way to protect your important information and prevent it from being misused during event planning. Encryption can be an effective strategy to safeguard the information of event attendees as well as to protect data pertaining to your event.

7. Using Cloud-based Event Management Platforms

A major issue faced by all event planners and organisers related to the security of virtual events is that people join an event from a variety of smartphones, tablets, and computers. All of these devices have their own set of vulnerabilities. Hence, a cyberattack on any of such device could provide hackers access to critical event data or recordings stored on the event application platform. On the other hand, a cloud-based platform ensures that no data is stored on the users’ devices. This way, all event data, including recorded audios, videos, messages, etc is protected from being exploited by malicious users or hackers.

Conducting meetings, conferences, expos, and many other events over virtual platforms is poised to be more and more common in the near future. Security holds great significance in making these events successful. Detecting risks, vulnerabilities and responding to them promptly is necessary to safeguard event data from potential cyber-attacks.

Ankit Sehrawat
Ankit Sehrawat

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