
6 Super Useful Tools Event Planners Should Not Miss Out On

An event planner is the heart and soul of every event. No matter if it’s a webinar, virtual fair, live-streamed conference, or a hybrid event, it is the event planner who looks after the event planning and organisation of the entire event. But with a host of activities to manage, it could become difficult for the planner to productively multitask at times. That’s where technology and event planning tools can come into the picture and be useful to the event organisers.

With highly efficient tech tools, event planners can always stay on top of pre-event planning and ensure that the event goes about seamlessly. These handy event planning tools can streamline the registration process, make the event more engaging, and enable easier networking for the attendees. Moreover, the tools can also play a role in understanding concerns and constantly improving the attendee experience with every event.

Here is a list of the top 6 tools that can be hugely beneficial to and drive magnificent returns for event planners.

1. Simplifying Attendee Registration

Event Planning Tools : Attendee Registration

When it comes to virtual event planning, there are a lot of tasks that need your utmost attention, especially the registration of attendees. Managing attendee registrations without any stress or surprises can be a huge task. A software tool can be quite useful in making the registration process smooth and seamless.

Such a tool can also provide you with vital information about the people attending your virtual event. It enables you to track ticket sales in real-time and also facilitates event check-ins on mobile phones. Moreover, it can provide insightful charts and reports to give you access to valuable data and help you in making smart, strategic decisions.

2. Networking Made Easy With AI

Event Planning Tools : Networking

Events serve as a great way for business owners, entrepreneurs, and other professionals to network and interact with their industry peers. However, with the new norm of virtual and hybrid events , networking can be a bit tricky given the lack of in-person interactions. That is why a tech tool is essential to make virtual interactions more personal and human.

An artificial intelligence-powered tool can facilitate automated matchmaking and make networking a lot more effective by bringing the right people together. The ability to conduct 1-on-1 meetings and live chat at virtual booths also makes this tool extremely useful. In the case of hybrid events , this tool can even offer a special virtual lobby where live and remote attendees can connect.

3. Making Communication and Coordination More Effective

Communication and coordination between teams play an important role in the event planning of virtual and hybrid events . Using powerful communication tools can ensure that everyone involved in the planning and organising of the event is always on the same page. As a result, this can make collaborations between teams a lot more productive.

Along with pre-event planning, a communication tool can also provide a group chat feature to discuss and quickly resolve issues arising during the event. Furthermore, these tools can also be used to get in touch with the audience and convey important information to them in an efficient manner. Hence, using a communication tool is a necessity for event planners and organisers to deliver an uninterrupted and engaging event experience to attendees.

4. Refining Events By Analysing Experiences

For event planners, it is important to always keep on improving and delivering better events to their attendees. But to do that, they need to constantly engage with attendees both during and after the events. This can help event planners get crucial insights into the experiences of virtual and hybrid event attendees.

When planning and organising an event, having a strong tool to build a well-defined feedback and analysis system is necessary. This tool can provide planners with post-event surveys, polls, as well as automated follow-up emails. With this wide range of features, event organisers can keep on modifying their event elements and making events more enjoyable and rewarding for the attendees.

5. Planning Events to Perfection

Prior to the event, planners and organisers need to spend an extensive amount of time looking after a number of activities. This involves setting up equipment, carrying out test runs, and keeping track of all details in one place. Efficient management of these functions ensures that you are well prepared to carry out your virtual or hybrid event.

Event planning tools can help you to organise, assign and track various tasks pertaining to the planning of your virtual or hybrid event. Such a tool can also be useful for the technical management of your events. Similarly, maintaining and managing all the details about venue and vendor contracts can become a lot easier with an event planning tool.

6. Driving High Engagement With Gamification

A great way to make your events more fun and entertaining for the attendees is to integrate the gamification element. When utilised properly, gamification can do wonders for your events in terms of boosting engagement and grabbing the attention of the audience. But the incorporation of gamification can be possible only with a high-tech tool.

These tools are nothing but software platforms containing innovative games and tasks intended to build up the interest of the attendees. Such a tool can keep track of every participant’s performance when it comes to games and competitions and can also identify the participants that are to be rewarded. In this manner, you can use a powerful tool to bring in gamification and make your event more engaging.

Looking for a tech partner to help you in organising and conducting virtual/ hybrid events ? Spalba is a leading-edge platform that can provide you with customised and data-driven solutions to build your next event. Searching and selecting the best venue and vendors becomes a breeze when you have Spalba as your event-tech partner. Contact us to know more about how our innovative platform can help you conduct the most amazing events effortlessly.

Ankit Sehrawat
Ankit Sehrawat

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