
Make your product launch a Superhit event with Spalba

Slowly but surely, the world is finally returning to normalcy. Venues are opening for all types of events and many people are excited about attending events physically. These are good signs for event organisers. However, letting go of the high outreach of virtual events is also not a feasible solution. Event organisers have to be smart and solve this problem by planning events that offer the best of both worlds to the attendees. Be it product launch, convocation ceremonies, company award shows, etc delivering an excellent and similar event experience to both in-person and virtual attendees is now possible with the world’s only hybrid event platform – Spalba. This future-ready event tech platform does not just stream an in-person event online but builds a digital replica of the venue so that the virtual attendees really feel as if they are a part of the event.

The shift from strictly virtual or physical events to the hybrid format is bringing immense benefits to the organisers in terms of outreach and engagement. This is compelling event organisers to stick with this format for maximum positive outcomes. However, when it comes to hybrid events, there is one important question that event organisers face – How can the experience of a physical event be replicated in the virtual world? Spalba is the answer to that question.

Let’s dive into details and understand how Spalba can be instrumental in planning and conducting a successful product launch event for you.

Spalba’s Digital Twin technology for a unified event experience

We, at Spalba, believe that every event is organised with the purpose of delivering a specific experience. But today, the experience provided to in-person and online attendees is hardly similar. This is because more and more event organisers are relying on live video streaming with the intent to reach a wider audience.

Unfortunately, this approach only offers the virtual attendees a glimpse into the event venue without the use of any interactive or collaborative elements. As a result, this method fails to make a strong and powerful impact on the online attendees as compared to that of the in-person attendees.

Spalba’s ‘Digital Twin Technology’ successfully creates a virtual clone or replica of the physical venue for the online event attendees. With this innovative solution, venues for launch events, campus auditoriums for convocation ceremonies, meeting rooms of companies, etc can be accurately cloned. This way, with Spalba’s digital twin technology, you can seamlessly plan events and achieve the goal of ‘One Event, One Experience’.

Spalba’s phygital communication is the way to democratise conversations and interactions

One of the most crucial aspects of hybrid event experiences is communication. Communication between the attendees as well as the interactions between the attendees and speakers play a vital role in an individual’s event experience. The primary reason why most hybrid events fail to pack a punch is that the event is not as interactive for the online attendees as it is for the in-person audience.

Consider the following example of two individuals A & B attending a hybrid event. A is present at the venue while B is part of the online audience. Being present in front of the presenter and speakers, A is able to ask questions, participate in polls, etc. On the other hand, B has access to everything that’s going on at the venue but is not able to actively participate in any of these activities.

Spalba’s ‘Phygital Communication’ system can be the perfect remedy to this problem. With phygital communication system at the core of every hybrid event, Spalba makes sure that all the interactive elements designed in the event are the same for both in-person and online attendees. Consequently, chatting with other attendees, interacting with presenters, answering polls, etc everything becomes seamless for all the attendees.

Spalba’s shared engagement: Vital cog in hybrid event success

The objective of conducting hybrid events is not only to offer the ‘Content’ but to also deliver the ‘Experience’ to a larger audience. However, to provide an amazing experience and to engage both the set of attendees, online and offline, the event needs to have the flavour of entertainment.

In the case of most hybrid events, gamification activities, polls, Q&As, etc are accessible only to the audience present at the venue. Hence, remote attendees fail to get the same experience and may not find the event as engaging or interesting. But Spalba is all ready to capitalise on the benefits of Metaverse and gamification to make hybrid event experiences very natural for the online attendees.

Spalba strives hard to bring equality in engagement to ensure the overall success of your hybrid event. With the shared engagement feature of Spalba, there are no limitations on the experience of virtual attendees. They get to be a part of conversations, conferences, gamification activities, and all that the hybrid event has to offer.

Why organise your product launch with Spalba?

  • Showcase products through AR and VR
    Provide immersive product demos with the help of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies.
  • Keep attendees entertained
    Integration of gamification and interactive activities into the event timeline to keep all the attendees engaged.
  • Phygital interactions
    With the phygital communication system, your in-person and online attendees can seamlessly interact with one another.
  • Customised exhibition booths and kiosks
    Get your own little space – physical or digital – to showcase your offerings to all the event attendees.
  • Audience management
    You take care of the product launch, Spalba deals with the hassles of managing all the attendees – online as well as offline.
  • 100% customisation
    Spalba personalises your product launch event completely – right from content to all the branding collaterals.
  • End-to-end support
    Be it the production of content, onboarding of attendees, ensuring the safety of attendees’ information, or handling any tech issues, Spalba provides excellent support throughout the course of the event.

Planning a launch event or a conference, trade expo, or company award show? Spalba can help you plan a compelling and immersive hybrid event for these and many other types of events. Our AI-powered platform simplifies and streamlines the arduous task of planning and organising a hybrid event. Irrespective of the number of attendees, Spalba helps you plan an amazing hybrid event without any hassles. Contact us to know more about how Spalba can help you in managing your next launch event.

Ankit Sehrawat
Ankit Sehrawat

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