
Spalba – A SaaS platform to make your event planning easy

Thanks to digitalisation, businesses today are transforming and evolving almost every day. Software-as-a-service (SaaS), a software model where applications can be accessed over the internet without installation, is at the forefront of revolutionising the way businesses work. By empowering businesses to function more efficiently, ‘SaaSification’ is quickly becoming the new reality in a large number of sectors, and the events industry is no exception. Event planning and organising companies are witnessing significant changes in the way they carry out their operations with this new ‘SaaSified’ approach. Spalba has been at the forefront of this change, revolutionising the way events are planned. In this article, we dive into Spalba’s new-age offerings that are taking the events world by storm.

Spalba - The smartest way to plan your events hassle-free

Unlike most other sectors, the events industry is yet to embrace digitalisation completely. Marred by a lack of online integrations, this sector still majorly functions manually for almost every task. From finding an event venue, doing venue recce, finalising vendors, to venue booking, all of this still is done the traditional way – through phone calls and visits.

Spalba has introduced a novel, digital approach to event planning and organisation through the integration of SaaS platforms. As a result, along with enriching the virtual and hybrid event experiences of attendees, Spalba is also transforming the event planning experience of organisers. Through this ‘SaaSified’ approach, Spalba has opened new gates for event planners and digitalised several processes in the events industry, such as venue booking and vendor selection.

1. Search

One of the biggest challenges for planners and organisers is to find the apt venue for their event. But with Spalba Marketplace, exploring options and choosing the best one becomes extremely easy. Discover venues for any event type, from ballrooms to boardrooms to poolside, find anything on Spalba Marketplace. Search for your ideal venue by location, size, maximum capacities, rates and much more.

2. Explore

Once the event venue is finalised, exploring the venue is one of the most critical factors that play an important role in the success of the event. It ensures that the event will go exactly how it is planned to be. With Spalba Digital Twins it’s extremely easy to explore every nook and corner of the property. Take accurate measurements through virtual recce tools, do virtual walkthrough, download layouts and much more to plan your events efficiently.

3. Collaborate

No more long loops of emails and calls to book the event venue which meets all your requirements. With Spalba you can send enquiries and connect directly with the venues for best proposals and easy closures.

4. Plan

Visualisation is an indispensable aspect of event design. However, event planners are generally not adept with 3D visualisation tools and other design software. To make this job easier for the event planners. With Spalba Design SaaS it’s very easy to design VR compatible event set ups in a few minutes. It is the quickest and easiest way to visualize how your event will look like in an actual venue.

Spalba makes event planning extremely seamless and efficient. Get in touch with us to know more about how our future-ready event tech platform can simplify planning for your corporate events.

Ankit Sehrawat
Ankit Sehrawat

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